Home Inspection

A home inspection, also known as a building inspection or a property inspection, is a thorough visual assessment of a home conducted by a professional home inspector at a specific date.

Buying a new home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make and can be stressful and risky. Like any investment, you will want to know as much information about your purchase as possible.

Home inspections are now considered so important that an estimated 77 percent of all home buyers invest in one. 

It is important to remember a home inspection is not a purchase pass/fail test or a to-do list for the seller. The purpose of  a home inspection is to provide the buyer with the home’s condition at the time of inspection.

Armed with the information our report will provide, you can make your decision with confidence. 

Home Inspection Services provide a specialist in pre-purchase home inspections to reduce the risk by supplying you with a professional home inspection that will determine the condition of:

•           Plumbing and Fixtures

•           Heating Systems

•           Cooling Systems

•           Electrical Systems

•           Roof/Exterior/Interior/Attics

•           Basements, Crawl Spaces, and Foundation

A home inspection will typically include a walk-through tour of the house during which the condition of the property is closely scrutinized, any defects and deficiencies are noted, and recommendations for repairs are made. 

During the home inspection the inspector will look for issues that could have significant impact from a health and safety perspective, or purely from a financial standpoint.

Once the home inspection is completed, you will receive a comprehensive report that is easy to understand. Everything identified during the inspection will be included in the report.

 Relax . . . You can feel comfortable choosing us to be your home inspector, and here’s why! 

•           We do more than inspect, we consult and educate.

•           Each “Brick Kicker” inspector has been professionally trained and certified.

•           Comprehensive insurance protection

•           Computerized reports

•           Unique report packaging and delivery methods

Armed with the information our report will provide, you can make your decision with confidence. Contact us at (440) 444-5075